The anti-Creationism: will schools in the US embrace new pro-science curriculum? | The Verge
The anti-Creationism: will schools in the US embrace new pro-science curriculum? | The Verge.
The anti-Creationism: will schools in the US embrace new pro-science curriculum? | The Verge.
Global Temperatures Highest in 4,000 Years, Study Says – NYTimes.com.
Spacefight Company Puts Out Call for 3D Rocket Engine Designs : US : Latinos Post.
Linux triumphant: Chrome OS resists cracking attempts | ZDNet.
NASA warns 'something unexpected is happening to the Sun' in year that is supposed to be the peak the sunspot cycle | Mail Online.
Ex nihilo: Dynamical Casimir effect in metamaterial converts vacuum fluctuations into real photons.
Polish researchers create air-breathing biobattery that ‘replaces the potato with a human being’ | ExtremeTech.
Lab-made supermaterial that could boost computing exists in nature too : Nature News & Comment.
Black Hole Collision May Have Irradiated Earth in 8th Century – weather.com.